Taster A Levels


We had a day at school where we had an hour of each of the a levels we planned to take. The future sixth formers wore formal, work wear, like we have to when we go into sixth form. It was a great day to meet new people coming in, and get a feel for what it is like in sixth form.

My lessons were so interesting, and it just made me more excited for the challenge sixth form is going to be! I’ve recently read the books we’re going to study in English Lit; Brighton Rock and A Clockwork Orange, and loved them, so I can’t wait to study them in year 12!

Our head of sixth form is really lovely and friendly, and it was just a really good day, and a nice opportunity to learn more about how sixth form differs from lower down the school. I’m looking forward to getting my clothes for it! I already have a couple of dresses and tops.

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